He is known to his followers as "Agni", named after the Vedic god of Fire.
A few years ago I went for darshan at the home of a woman saint outside Bombay known to her followers simply as Mother.
"Because the Scarlet Pimpernel works in the dark, and his identity is only known under the solemn oath of secrecy to his immediate followers."
The rabbi, known to his followers and other admirers as the Rebbe, died on June 12 at the age of 92.
The charismatic 15-year-old was known to his followers as "heaven's messenger."
Systematized crime, organized by the man known to his followers as the "Colonel"!
He wrote under the pen name Uranda, and he was known to his followers by that name.
Bishop Fortich was known to his followers as "Commander Tony".
He is known for his insouciance to his devoted followers; thus, the Church formed in his name is heterogeneous and chaotic.