This ageless singer and pianist brings a light but knowing touch to songs like "The Ladies Who Lunch" and the Dave Frishberg classics "Peel Me a Grape" and "I'm Hip."
The release of the album was overshadowed by an Internet leak of all 11 songs almost three months prior to release, which was evident at a Las Vegas show the group performed where fans knew the words to several new songs before the album's release.
They range from the well known "Yards" to less accessible songs such as "Plump-a-Lumper".
Almost everybody knew the words to songs like "Ngu Di Con" ("Lullaby"), about the pain of a mother mourning her soldier son: "Rest well my child, my child of the yellow race.
She is well known for her work as a professional deejay in addition to re-mixing songs for such artists as Madonna, Britney Spears, Pink and Cher.
One, the "best bud," wears belly-baring T-shirts and knows the words to songs by Brittany Spears; the other is "clueless" and believes her daughter will forever be a little Laura Ashley.
The shear fact that the audience knew the words to songs they had only heard played in clubs a quarter of a century before was a testament to this band's impact on the 1980s San Francisco music scene.