The second regulatory arm of Proposition 65 prohibits businesses from knowingly exposing individuals to listed substances without providing a clear and reasonable warning.
Aziga was not the first Canadian ever to face criminal charges for knowingly exposing others to HIV.
He knowingly exposed himself to the risk of ridicule and the reproach of utopianism.
Who would knowingly expose himself to contact with contaminated blood?
Only 0.3 percent in Missouri knowingly expose another to the virus, Ms. Meyerson said.
What a person knowingly exposes to the not subject of Fourth Amendment protection.
Recklessness is usually described as a 'malfeasance' where the defendant knowingly exposes another to the risk of injury.
Hence, "what a person knowingly exposes to the public, even in his own home or office, is not a subject of Fourth Amendment protection."
Why would anyone knowingly expose himself to a potentially lethal infection?
"We may be the bad boys of magic," Penn's dialogue reads at one point, "but we never knowingly expose a magical principle."