The maximum penalty for knowingly providing false information is five years in prison and a fine of $250,000.
All the law cares about is that you knowingly provided to investors inflated advice.
Any person who knowingly provides a firearm to an ineligible person is party to a felony crime.
The suit charges the company with defrauding the Government by knowingly providing defective rockets.
The law prohibits anyone from knowingly providing the physical means or participating in the physical act by which a suicide is carried out.
But unlike Mr. Cole, we support laws that prohibit anyone from knowingly providing material support to foreign terrorist organizations.
Our privacy policy is clear: We collect no personally identifiable information when you visit our website unless you specifically and knowingly provide that information to us.
The charge differs from a more serious felony charge of making a false statement, in which a witness knowingly provides false or fictitious information to Congress.
No NGOs knowingly provided services to any victims of trafficking crimes independently or in cooperation with the government.
An accessory after the fact was a person who knowingly provided assistance to the principals in avoiding arrest and prosecution.