Peer knowledge, support and interaction may aid withdrawal.
The knowledge of frequencies in populations, particularly among ancestors of immigrants can aid patient and physician as to the potential risks.
His knowledge of Catholicism aids them in hiding out in the nunnery.
My knowledge cannot aid you if you refuse to accept my help.
James A. Farrell grew up the son of a ship's captain, and the knowledge he acquired aided him in establishing a shipping legacy.
Their knowledge of escape ways and escape procedures aided their escape.
Temar saw her only as an enemy, determined to secure whatever knowledge might aid our cause.
However, as one would expect, the knowledge that participants gleaned from the first town did not transfer, or aid them, in their travels around the second town.
Until now the President had professed to have only a general knowledge of private efforts to aid the contras.
And that knowledge could aid in important decisions, like whether to buy private long-term care insurance or whether to pay off a mortgage early.