The knowledge had caused them to close their minds to much.
Gray demanded, already knowing the answer and wondering why the knowledge caused something to crumble inside him.
Eve thought she knew where he had gone and found that the knowledge caused her pain.
But on a newborn technological world such as this, the knowledge could cause quite a stir.
I understand that full knowledge of my power, if made public too abruptly, might cause unrest and panic.
The very knowledge of that could cause her to waver on the cycle and go astray.
Once having done so, the knowledge will probably cause the blowing-up of the earth-not right away, but in a decade or two.
The knowledge that he had been identified with Corrigan caused him to lose his head completely.
Your knowledge of our existence, particularly here in this body of water where we are not supposed to be, could cause us immense damage.
No one suggests that mom and dad be kept in the dark because knowledge of their child's troubles will cause them to harm the child.