Over time his technical knowledge increasingly influenced selectors.
This knowledge would greatly influence Rukiya's work, which "celebrates old tradition by making new and relevant art".
She has also contributed to related literatures, particularly on how knowledge of vocabulary influences students' learning from text.
Pool has always been impressed by the degree to which peoples' first language and linguistic knowledge influence their lives.
Previously acquired knowledge influences our perception of events in that it provides frames of references against which current information is judged.
This occurs because one's current knowledge influences the recollection of previous beliefs.
The knowledge that he could more easily afford to replace his losses of men and equipment than Lee may have influenced Grant's strategy.
The knowledge and experience we will have gained by then will influence our further action and leave their mark on it.
This knowledge will significantly influence how the writer formats the communication.
The hindsight bias effect is a paradigm that demonstrates how recently acquired knowledge influences the recollection of past information.