We recommend that the new police commission be headed by five reputable and knowledgeable citizens appointed by the Mayor, who will serve pro bono.
The remaining four members are private citizens knowledgeable about the employment problems of people who are blind or have other severe disabilities, including those employed by nonprofit agencies affiliated with the AbilityOne Program.
Thanks to Bachman's skill as an artist and thoughtful determination that our nation's spending should be for public consumption, we can become more knowledgeable citizens.
The state of the defense economy is appalling; an opinion shared by every knowledgeable citizen.
Portage College's mission is to provide education, training and services to facilitate the learning and development of knowledgeable, skilled citizens in a caring, supportive and dynamic college environment.
Finnish Scouts and Guides learn how to become knowledgeable and active citizens, at ease with other countries and cultures.
Soundview School educates intellectually motivated students to become knowledgeable, passionate and ethical citizens and leaders.
The movement was also limited to the more knowledgeable citizens.
But in the new movie "Godsend," the horrors do not arise from the biological dangers that have led responsible scientists and knowledgeable citizens to oppose human cloning.
Through after-school programs, middle school students interview a range of experts from knowledgeable citizens to scientific researchers, gathering material with the support of distant universities.