The walls were hung with weapons, but most of them were inferior items that he sold to less knowledgeable collectors.
Most collectors knowledgeable enough to join the Society did not have to be warned about the general run of questionable issues.
Daniel Beck is a well-known and knowledgeable collector.
But where does that leave those who are not knowledgeable collectors?
He became a knowledgeable and respected collector, accumulating a priceless collection of paintings, drawings, manuscripts and miniatures over 50 years.
Nonetheless, the fact that such artifacts are being recreated comes as no surprise to knowledgeable collectors like Mr. Buster.
There will also be symposiums intended to get more knowledgeable collectors to write more frequently, both on specialized topics and for the noncollecting public.
At least nine dolls, including a two-foot-tall English king, considered priceless by knowledgeable collectors, were stolen.
He has traveled all over the world and is a knowledgeable collector of rare objects, including Little Richard's first record album.
This is the difference between Mr. Raiche's refined gardening and the plant gluttony of a less knowledgeable collector.