It is suitable only for institutional, professional and highly knowledgeable investors.
What is wrong with the logic that bubbles should be attacked by knowledgeable investors?
Two intriguing recent papers look closely at knowledgeable investors' behavior to sort out these explanations, and both point to synchronization problems.
An investor knowledgeable about Mr. Vinik's portfolio said it would be a mistake to conclude that he had turned bearish on the stock market.
"But knowledgeable investors appear to feel that this is merely a correction in a bull market - not the start of a bear market."
Clifford's business approach included the following pillars: knowledgeable investors, seasoned management, and niche platform companies.
Whether they're sinking their money in to coins, antiques or high-end wines, the best investor is a knowledgeable investor.
In other words, any knowledgeable investor examining Enron's financials would notice huge earnings but little generated cash.
Insurance experts say the policies are intended for knowledgeable long-term investors who have savings to spare.
This is because high-quality companies can more easily resort to knowledgeable private investors.