She carefully read its postings, then asked knowledgeable members to recommend a breeder.
However, since most commissions include members knowledgeable about old houses, such as architects and builders, they should not be feared.
The team should also have members knowledgeable about the programs that the acquisition is to support.
Students participate as knowledgeable, reflective, creative and critical members of a variety of literacy communities.
That was the analysis of Andrea, a knowledgeable member of the gallery staff.
Spener wanted to strengthen and renew the church through the development of more knowledgeable and devoted members.
They have treated art as if it were a powerful but bad-tasting medicine that the less knowledgeable members of the public should be forced to drink.
No member of the Administration and few knowledgeable members of Congress were prepared to talk about the unfolding negotiations on the record.
He has been one of the most knowledgeable and effective members of Congress, a leader on child care issues.
He is the most knowledgeable member of the group, as well as the one possessing the most common sense.