This is a more in-depth technical support level than Tier I containing experienced and more knowledgeable personnel on a particular product or service.
The selection of the appropriate method as well as the detection and monitoring of corrosion requires knowledgeable and experienced personnel.
Children should not receive the sedative without supervision of a skilled and knowledgeable medical personnel (at home, technician).
No point in wasting experienced and knowledgeable military personnel on this excursion.
No embalming or autopsy should be attempted without a fully equipped biohazard laboratory and trained and knowledgeable personnel.
Aside from the main events, in many regions of the UK the society offers school visits by experienced and knowledgeable personnel in full period dress and equipment.
Rather, the council decided to hire local, knowledgeable personnel and stay closely tied to the project.
Don't expect special service or even knowledgeable personnel at many of the bigger sales.
Human resource personnel work as a team with line managers to anticipate personnel needs and recruit to ensure sufficient staffing of knowledgeable and skilled personnel.
Effective translation into other languages and cultural contexts requires even more investment by knowledgeable personnel.