You can sometimes prevent symptoms by avoiding known allergens.
It is a known allergen and commercially useful as a meat tenderizer.
The dust produced from powder down feathers is a known allergen in humans.
For hay fever, the best approach is avoidance of known allergens and other triggers (such as smoke and dust).
A small needle (lancet) is used to scratch the skin gently through a droplet of fluid containing a known allergen.
When this is not possible, there may be treatments to make the body stop reacting to a known allergen (desensitization).
It contains no known allergens to cause skin, respiratory or other allergic reactions.
Similarly, Rat n 1 is a known human allergen.
Asthma symptoms can be substantially reduced by avoiding known allergens and respiratory irritants.
Such data is valuable for investigation of cross-reactivity between known allergens and analysis of potential allergenicity in proteins.