The next step was to analyze the pieces in the laboratory and compare them to known Indian artifacts.
The hunters of this culture found the site continuously useful; the known artifacts are believed to be the results of three different hunts.
The area was later redeveloped for other industrial use; no known artifacts are believed to survive.
However, there are no known physical artifacts that have been recovered of the triple pipes instrument.
These objects, if authentic, would be the only known Neanderthal artifacts in the Nordic countries.
There are no known artifacts of this weapon in existence.
Annual plowing increased the number of known artifacts by bringing them to visibility on the surface of the fields.
Ashayet's stone sarcophagus is one of the better known artifacts of this period.
The book is the only known physical link to this Jewish community, since there are no other known artifacts from it.
An iron industry exhibit features the only known remaining artifact from the original foundry - the town bell.