The companies themselves must be first and foremost responsible for reacting to known dangers in their products, whether or not the Government acts.
Foolhardy as the thing looked to be, they did it, each after his own manner of facing a known danger.
The procedure is not invasive and presents no known danger to the fetus.
Better to retain the known danger, than to bring on an unknown one.
He had found it, given her credit for being able to make the deduction-and acted to remove a known danger.
As my dad was fond of saying, a known danger was far better than an unknown one.
Even Titan, with its known dangers, seemed benign in comparison.
Any known danger he could face with a firm lip, but this suspense was unnerving.
The law requires employers to provide their employees with working conditions that are free of known dangers.
The product must be supplied with instructions for use and adequate warning of any known danger.