The Muri statuette is also the only known depiction of Naria.
The oldest known depiction of a parachute, by an anonymous author (Italy, 1470s)
The picture is the only known contemporary depiction of a Revolutionary-era Stockbridge militiaman.
The first known depictions of whirligigs are string powered versions in tapestries from medieval times.
It is a work of speculative fiction containing the first known depiction of an artificial satellite.
The first known depiction of a heart as a symbol of romantic love dates to the 1250s.
They might have been built in a more regional style, but the only known depiction from the time shows a typical Mediterranean vessel.
Apian is also remembered for publishing the only known depiction of the Bedouin constellations in 1533.
About 200 of his Chinatown pictures survive, and these comprise the only known photographic depictions of the area before the 1906 earthquake.
The oldest known depiction is on the town seal from 1311.