Recently, they found evidence that Stasi had put relatives of known dissidents in mental hospitals and administered hallucinogenic drugs to keep them psychologically incapacitated.
Since the start of the year, several known dissidents have been arrested and are expected to remain in detention until the symbolic date passes.
While human rights concerns used to focus primarily on known dissidents imprisoned for challenging China's government, many of the new disputes involve formerly unknown people incarcerated for far murkier offenses.
Meanwhile she'd use Farad'n's men to help close down Shuloch and to arrest the known dissidents, especially among the Naibs.
A few days before the start of the uprising, Kossakowski suggested that the Russian troops should surround the churches and arrest all known dissidents.
"You are here for conspiring to remove a court-mandated suppressor chip, and for consorting with a known dissident, and for intent to commit affectional deviance."
Pitchess did not identify any "known dissidents," but he insisted that they had committed "hundreds of provocative acts."
And Security then used your disappearance as an excuse to take known dissidents in protective custody.
China also imposed travel restrictions on known dissidents ahead of the ceremony.
There are several known dissidents in Beijing available, top intellectuals much admired by the people.