The stave church and tower are depicted on the oldest known drawing of the then new city of Gothenburg.
The caudal appendages (structures at the tip of the abdomen) differ between the species and can be compared with known drawings or close-up photos.
The oldest known drawing of a reversible water wheel was by Georgius Agricola and dates to 1556.
The book includes some sketches of jewels, Ghisi's only known drawings.
The Gentleman's Magazine account in particular was prominent, and contained the oldest known drawing of the figure.
Lovingly researched and written, with all the known drawings illustrated, identified, ordered and annotated, it is a historical, some might feel spiritual, event.
There are no known drawings or paintings of the tomb until the early 19th century.
The oldest known drawing of the flag is from a 1339 map made by Angelino Dulcert.
These included the first known drawing of a chariot in the region, funerary monuments and rock art.
There are no known original drawings of the interior, so HRI had a task on their hands.