As of 2006, only nineteen populations were known, following a dramatic decline in the total population of around 20% between 1999 and 2004.
And Pate could not say enough about some of the camp followers he'd known following the dragon.
The castle is known to have been rebuilt at least three times over the years, following the standard square form as seen throughout Ayrshire.
There are also no adverse reactions known following parenteral or topical application of the vitamin.
She became well known following her 1992 exhibition in documenta IX.
They are known to swim along the bottom of the ocean, following their prey.
She became known as the "mother of behavior therapy" following a study she conducted with a three-year-old named Peter.
Nothing was known about it until 10 days later, following an anonymous tip.
Lady Heath (as she became known following the creation of her husband's baronetcy) died on 21 August 1921.
In this novel, the weres and shifters make their presence known, following the example of the vampires.