Even today not all the functions of the extra five known genes are understood.
A few of the known genes near C20orf111 are given in the box below with their known function.
First we evaluated the performance of this search using the distribution analysis results for some known genes (Table 3).
Our approach also ensures that known genes are represented only once in the final gene map.
For the 6,500 known genes with known 5' boundaries, the value was 40%.
That makes 20 known genes on the main body of the Y, which they believe is close to the full inventory.
The gene has been named calpain-10 after a family of known genes it resembles.
Sequence analysis shows that Pax2 is the only known gene associated with the disease.
The gene is also notable for its huge size, far greater than that of most other known genes.
The section carries several known genes, not one of which has any obvious connection with fertility.