It was also humorously known as 'Paddy's Milestone' after Ailsa Craig due to its supposed resemblance to that island.
"Glass Jungle" is a peppy look at some of the ways the human animal has adapted to what is humorously known as civilization.
Two cannons, humorously known as "Brook's Babies" are located at the highest part of the Gardens.
"Schizogeny", written by first-year staff writers Scott and Wollaeger, became humorously known as "The Killer Tree Episode" amongst the cast and crew.
He was humorously known for sometimes removing his wig to wipe his brow while preaching.
Humorously known as "the happiest town on Earth", its roadsign warmly greets visitors with, "Welcome to Adair; it'll make you smile".
In this frame of mind the boy was appointed to the CONQUEROR, Captain Davie, humorously known as Gentle Johnnie.
Transferring data between non-networked computers, humorously known as sneakernet.
Locally, the road is sometimes humorously known as the road to hell from its name being the same as the Number of the Beast.
Acronyms can also form the basis for redundancies; this is known humorously as RAS syndrome (for Redundant Acronym Syndrome Syndrome):