The navigator was in central fire-control, helping the gunnery department to plot the cruiser's exact position by radar fixes on known landmarks.
A known landmark at the center of town is the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, a vibrant Episcopal parish.
Tours take passengers on a journey around the lesser known landmarks of New York City.
Positions may be expressed as a bearing and range from a known landmark or as an angles of latitude and longitude relative to a map datum.
The tombs on the eastern side of the Kidron Valley are among the most well- known landmarks of ancient Jerusalem.
Pilotage or cabotage, in one sense, is the art of sailing along the coast using known landmarks.
But there were the Ranger stations, and if I could sight some known landmarks in the morning, I thought we might find one of those.
Could we meet at some known planetary landmark?
A known landmark in Byron Center is the big chicken.
Comparing some of these traces and the geographic locations of the known landmarks, they can deduce which nearby routers are connected to both the target and the landmark.