The problem with blockbuster theater, he astutely says, is that the audience is simply buying a known product.
The known and undisputed products of her pen are a formidable witness against her.
It's not a known product like "The Lion King."
The songs pastiched the advertising jingle although the songs were not endorsements of known products or services.
They were moored there, ostensibly, to advertise some little known product, and their surfaces were covered with lettering.
Alternative splicing in this gene has produced two known products but the biological significance of the variants is unknown.
However, the VIS is the only known product that actually used this Windows version.
The most known product of this village is the Kišava bean.
There are no common uses for this mineral, and it is not used for the fabrication of any known products.
Kari multilevel float switch is a worldwide known and respected product.