Burgoyne felt much better knowing the vision was the ordinary result of a known physical property.
Yet they have another, less known property: A few years ago I testified as an expert witness in a trial involving an industrial accident.
This gave a physical picture which reproduced many known atomic properties for the first time.
Such descriptions are often inconsistent with the known properties of dark matter proposed in physics and cosmology.
The set of direct factors (of an effect) has a number of known properties.
The samples with known properties are the standards, and the graph is the standard curve.
The weight of a vessel can be readily determined by reading draughts and comparing with the known hydrostatic properties.
The cipher has no known intellectual property or other restrictions.
This approach often gives better results than pure additive equations because the relation with a known property introduces some knowledge about the molecule.
Most commercial units are provided with a conversion factor, or can be calibrated by a fluid of known properties.