The known provenance of the Ms. M.383 is:
The known provenance of the painting is as follows:
On the left, the artist's name and any known provenance of the work.
Museum pieces with known provenance suggest that Maling wares were little different from those being produced by other local potteries at the time.
Two other salvia species have a similar obscure historical origin, with no known wild provenance.
These results are then compared to the results of samples of known provenance, much like the Kimberly process for diamonds.
However, it bears no resemblance to any sword of known early Medieval provenance and is almost certainly a 19th-century French military sword.
The manuscript concerning Shakespeare has no known provenance and was probably concocted during the early twentieth century.
The issue of the fragment's origins was addressed in a footnote: "Regrettably," he wrote, "there is no known provenance."
In fact, it was common through the 1980's and 90's for museums to buy ancient art that had no known provenance, curators say.