His only known relation prior to his marriage was a sister named Euphemia.
Ford has no known relation to the current film actor of the same name.
He is of no known relation to the well-known Apollo astronaut Neil Armstrong.
None of the documented Mesoamerican language scripts have any known relation to Hebrew or Egyptian.
William Cosby is of no known relation to the 20th century comedian of the same name.
Mechanical methods require a tunable resonator such as an absorption wavemeter, which has a known relation between a physical dimension and frequency.
The videos were designated different colors to coincide with the album's theme, although having no known relation to the lyrics:
All of Cameroon's 200 ethnic groups engage in breast ironing, with no known relation to religion, socio-economic status, or any other identifier.
Sauveur subsequently criticized the device because it was measured in inches, which did not conform with any known relation to the duration of a second.
There is no known relation to the development of irezumi.