The arrests brought to 10 the number of known suspects in the case.
And a warrant couldn't be issued without probable cause and a known suspect.
In the past, fingerprint searches were really just useful to confirm the identities of known suspects, said Superintendent Constantine.
As during previous years, a large majority (100) of the 110 homicide victims, as well as a preponderance of known suspects, were black or Latino.
Dobbens took comfort from the fact that all the known suspects were white.
Heavily armed search teams continued to comb the area in case there were more than the two known suspects.
Indeed, Federal officials have described the two known suspects as "white," a racial designation that seems to leave open their ethnic origin.
There is no known suspect.
Their suspicion falls on their only known suspects, a gang of drug dealing black criminals who deny their involvement.
The police were searching for known suspects, but had made no arrests yesterday, a police official said.