She is known for her art work using quilts, collage and printing.
It is not clear if this problem ever actually occurred; no covers are known using a 1-cent Columbian to pay for the special delivery charge.
She'd known using that stone to see Valenti was dangerous, but she didn't stop.
All the properties of the particle could be known using this vector basis.
He is perhaps best known for his public demonstrations of Japanese calligraphy using a huge (up to 6 feet long) brush.
He was known for his fine work using the baroque style.
I should have known using that Fesser was too risky to be worthwhile!
In my time I have never known of anyone using it.
He is best known for his black and white portrayal of global landscapes using view cameras.
She is internationally known for her work using digital media, specifically multimedia, to record and teach archaeology.