The known vectors are drawn to scale and in the proper direction on an aeronautical chart, using protractor and dividers.
Rats are a known vector, and rat droppings may deposit the eggs into the carpets and interiors of homes.
Something to draw them in, give us a known vector for them.
In areas where the known vector is a sandfly, deltamethrin collars worn by the dogs has been proven to be 86% effective.
Here is a known vector, and is an unknown vector of numbers x yet to be determined.
The only known vector is the beet leafhopper, which is native to the Western United States.
There are no known vectors, although it has been known to transverse long distances between crops.
Viruses in this family are primarily soil-borne, some transmitted by fungal species of the order Chytridiales, others by no known vector.
Looks to be targeting along our last known vector.
Anopheles maculipennis s.l. is a known vector of West Nile virus.