However, the 'label boss' allegedly refused to issue the single unless Suede signed a seven-album deal.
Hanson became not only their label boss but also their manager, says the band.
The album was the label boss' first professional experience with heavy metal, and his fresh perspective led to a drastic makeover of Slayer's sound.
It is not uncommon for certain artists to move between the two scenes - as with label boss, Tim Simenon.
One of UK's top label bosses says some record companies are "scared" to sign rock bands.
Tony Wilson, their label boss, is dead now.
Benevento invited his old friend Andy Hurwitz (Ropeadope label boss) along to document the proceedings.
The station re-thought its playlist procedures after mounting criticism from all corners of the music industry, including label bosses, pluggers, journalists and the artists themselves.
Now he's their label boss: the Roots recently signed with Def Jam, of which Jay-Z is president.
He is the first recording artist in history to be named Executive Producer of his label bosses album.