This label currently owns the entire back catalogue of Focus.
A label may not own the sound recording rights for imported CD's, or those that they distribute for smaller labels.
The label also owned the rights to the British versions of the records by Johnny Nash.
In 2005, Little Big Town was signed to Equity Music Group, a label started and partially owned by country music singer Clint Black.
Both labels owned by Marshall Blonstein, former vice president of Ode Records.
After costs are recouped, the label still owns the master recording, an agreement some musicians have compared to paying off a mortgage but having the bank still own the house.
Prince hated it that the label owned his master recordings - his music, his heart and soul.
The label owns the actual sound recording - the performance of the song as recorded in the label's studio.
Travis Barker and his label own all this music.
The label also owns and operates Vibrashop, an online mail order record store.