Now other labels, apparently fearing other public outcries, are calling for changes in some rap songs and totally rejecting others.
According to Adams, the album remained unreleased until 2010, as his former label, Lost Highway, had previously rejected it.
However, when the original mixes were given to Aezra Records, the label rejected them.
Although the band had come up with ideas that they requested to Food Records, the label rejected them before finally accepting the released Already.
Kilbey and Willson-Piper had co-written another track, "10,000 Miles", but the label rejected it.
The song was originally written with recording artist Britney Spears in mind, however her label rejected it.
However, Spears did not hear of the song because her label rejected it, claiming they had enough songs for her to record.
Renamed "Walking with a Ghost in Paris", the track was so successful that the label considered releasing it officially but Sara rejected the idea.
The song was originally given to pop singer Kay Starr; however, her label rejected it.
The label rejected the new album but released Smoking Popes from their contract.