The process requires careful planning and control and a significant investment in labor hours.
The company estimates that Katrina cost it an additional eight million labor hours on the 12 ships currently under construction.
But total industry output divided by total labor hours in that industry may not change much.
Additional information for items includes crew, daily output, labor hours, and the unit of measure.
The team found that building the first three aircraft was taking substantially more labor hours than planned.
A truck that took 102 labor hours to build nearly two years ago, now requires only 58 hours, the company says.
There is also the long-term impact of Dell's ability to keep increasing "units per labor hour," a favorite measurement inside the company.
It is also common practice to track labor hours in parallel with currency.
Construction took 26 months and 40,800 labor hours to build.
The amount is only to charge direct labor hours for testing by the contractor labor support.