In the productivity data, that represented a lot of labor input and not much output.
We have not, I think, gone over the top with one day, representing 0.05% of an employee's labour input.
The labour input is the offering of the peasant in their role as priests.
Suppose the farm has 100 hectares of land and one worker (the labor input).
Wheat farming depended on a significant labor input only during planting, and especially at harvest time.
The high labour input required to maintain them in their intended way was considered totally unfeasible.
This style of cultivation often was popular in the islands as bananas required little labor input and brought welcome extra income.
The socially efficient quantity of labour input would then be much larger than the equilibrium level under current tax rates.
The amount of labour so required is called the direct labour input into the commodity.
Increased electricity costs - to operate the robots, but this can be more than outweighed by reduced labour input.