The ensuing drama was a classic of labor politics.
He also became heavily involved in labor politics in the city, and supported organizing drives for many unions.
Party platforms center on affordable housing, education and economic development, and labor politics are of importance in the city.
The views common amongst this group are heavily influenced by labor politics, particularly of the New Deal Era.
Graham had been embarrassed before WWI by her activities for birth control and labor politics.
Ariyoshi became interested in labor politics around this time.
Overall, Frankfurter's work gave him an opportunity to learn firsthand about labor politics and extremism, including anarchism, communism and revolutionary socialism.
Moreno also was involved in Mexico's labor politics, which were often dangerous.
In 1943, the Jagans moved to what was then British Guiana, became involved in labor politics and formed a left-wing political party.
In addition to being a business leader, he also became involved in Mexico's tangled and often dangerous labor politics.