There was certainly no shortage of hands for what would ordinarily have been a very labor-intensive job.
This business is likely to move overseas, following the even more labor-intensive job of sewing fabric into clothes.
That simple statement belied the tedious, labor-intensive, and dangerous job that was involved in working around the matter-antimatter chamber.
A sizable number of Bangladeshi migrant workers are currently working in labor-intensive jobs in Singapore.
And the country has a glut of workers for the labor-intensive jobs of growing and harvesting fruits and vegetables.
Public works programs provide unskilled workers with temporary labor-intensive jobs during critical times.
The foundation's explanation for its expenses was that it needed money for the labor-intensive job of cataloguing the collection, safely storing it and selling it.
"It's an extremely labor-intensive job," Mr. Bliss said.
The result is millions of one-of-a-kind computer applications around the world and an incredibly labor-intensive job of fixing them.
Traditional labor-intensive jobs in farming, factories and mining have given way to desk jobs.