At the more responsible colleges and universities it is a slow, painful, labor-intensive operation.
Harvesting trees remains one of the most labor-intensive operations.
The milking of cows was traditionally a labor-intensive operation and still is in less developed countries.
The labor-intensive operations seem likely to move to Mexico quickly.
Each day legions of clerks must gather at the end of trading to resolve errors in very costly, labor-intensive operations.
Several expect it to transfer labor-intensive operations to countries with lower operating costs, like Mexico, and to put others into joint ventures.
The division that is moving handles pension client requests and is a labor-intensive operation.
The reason is plain: G.E. has shed two labor-intensive operations.
Heaviest job bank users tend to be insurance companies and banks with labor-intensive operations involving large amounts of paperwork.
It's a labor-intensive operation, and it will cost us $1.5 million.