From the laboratory window, I saw the bronze dragon land in the palace courtyard.
But Abu Zeki, drawn by the blaze of light from the laboratory windows, came over when the waiting period was almost over.
He stared at the darkness beyond the laboratory window.
Christopher Chandon went to his laboratory window for a last look at the mountain solitude about him, which, in all likelihood, he would never see again.
Margo's gaze drifted away from him and up to the laboratory window and its gorgeous view of Central Park.
The dangling rope from Sutton's laboratory window had not been forgotten by The Shadow.
A couple of feet to the right of the closed laboratory window, The Shadow was hanging like a black pendulum in space.
They're keen bird-watchers and their best sightings have been from the laboratory windows which overlook very special conservation areas.
Somewhere outside his laboratory window, the whip-poor-will cried one more time.
Glimpsing her own tiny, wiry reflection in the laboratory window, Jen found the metaphor delicious.