The New Jersey Department of Health said that 36 laboratory-confirmed cases and 52 probable cases of cyclospora had been reported there.
Although the outbreak is small (25 laboratory-confirmed cases as of April 4), three people have died of the disease, making the outbreak unusually virulent.
By December 10, 2009, there had been 812 laboratory-confirmed cases, 381 influenza-related hospitalizations (most of them of children under ten), and 18 deaths.
By December 30, 2009 the state had 824 laboratory-confirmed cases since September 1, and the virus had contributed to the deaths of 20 people.
Only four countries, all in Southeast Asia, have had laboratory-confirmed human cases of bird flu so far: Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam.
As of March 12, 2010, 1404 confirmed deaths from H1N1 influenza have been reported, and at lest 29,904 laboratory-confirmed cases of H1N1 have been reported.
Confirmed Case: An illness in one person that is confirmed by laboratory testing or by linking it to another laboratory-confirmed case.
Approximately 95 cases of cyclosporiasis have been identified among attendees of the events (36 laboratory-confirmed cases and 59 clinically defined or probable cases).
To date, 10 laboratory-confirmed cases of H5N1 infection have been reported in patients in Vietnam, 8 of whom died.
As of 2 December 2007, the UN had reported 22 deaths and 4,569 laboratory-confirmed cases.