A slow, ponderous and infinitely tragic largo kept time to his labored steps, labored because the treads were just too broad and the lifts just too high for comfort.
Step by labored step, he climbed to the road and turned east in the September darkness.
Someone was walking with difficulty through the dense forest, the labored steps seeming to come closer.
Step by labored step, he hauled Taen to the cell where Jaric lay.
With slow, dragging steps, it began to make its way around the chamber, its breath rasping with every labored step as it drew closer and closer to the spellbound Flick.
When the man saw the two men actually start for the more difficult climb they protested, showing by labored steps and bent backs that the route being chosen was wrong, then springing easily along the lower pathway and even indicating a boat on the river.
He took a couple of labored steps toward me.
NOBODY better understands how long and potentially painful the Nets' road from New Jersey to Brooklyn might be than a man who has taken many a labored step with them, from that night in 1967 when they opened the doors to the Teaneck Armory.
And as he walked, step by labored step, a final vision formed in his mind.
Yet with every labored step taken westward across this mournful plain Brother Haluin's brightness increased, his pace quickened, and his color flushed into eagerness.