In my case, at least, I was temporarily speechless, because I stood in awe of the profound machinery of fate which, in its slow-working and laborious fashion, had brought us together at this time and place.
The problem is that he does so in a plodding, laborious fashion, without much wit or humor, and without providing any new insights into his subject.
The others gathered about, craning their necks over the shoulders of those before them, but as few of them could read at all, and then only after the most laborious fashion, one finally turned to the little old man of the top hat and frock coat.
He got back up to his feet in the same laborious fashion, turned, and felt around the cart.
So it went in laborious fashion until in intense concentration a certain rhythm was achieved: swing, grapple, hammer, sling, check, rest, re-check, swing again as the entire process repeated itself.
Rising in laborious fashion, Tressler leaned on Bewkel's arm and conducted his guest into the penthouse.
There was difficulty in fitting it, but he managed, and then screwed the plate back on again in laborious fashion.
"Your Records were printed, but in a laborious and time-consuming fashion that, unfortunately, permitted errors to be made and perpetuated."