It usually took the form of groaning over such laborious jobs as marking papers, making out long lists and so on.
And yet, now that the city has finally begun the laborious job of dredging its internal waterways, who is complaining?
I said: "My dear, it is a laborious job, and the child must be nearly warm enough, with her extra clothing.
Then he began the laborious job of hitching himself up the steps and into the building.
The times were marked by racism, laborious jobs for minorities, and not many opportunities for success.
As Bud drove off, the other two set about the laborious job of reassembling the spilled equipment.
But they were worried enough to put their thoughts on paper together, always a laborious job.
It turned out to be a long and laborious job but at last they got the chamber, engine and all back into the central cavity.
It's going to be a long laborious job getting the names and addresses of all the people here.
Aside from interest, their main qualification is having enough free time for this laborious job.