Previous to this flat surfaces were laboriously made by hand with the fitter using hammers and chisels, files and scrapers to get a true surface.
Saws until at least the mid-19th century were made laboriously by hand.
Meanwhile, Isgrimnur has laboriously made his way south to Kwanitupul.
It is made from broad sheet glass by laboriously hand grinding and polishing both surfaces.
The masks are laboriously made from bark cloth, bamboo and leaves and used just once for the firedance ceremony before being thrown away or destroyed.
Their dugout canoes were laboriously made using fire and stone age tools out of large trees-usually redwoods.
Conventionally, drawings were made in ink on paper or a similar material, and any copies required had to be laboriously made by hand.
Until at least the mid-19th century, saws were made laboriously by hand.
Traditionally roti paratha, an Indian flat bread, is laboriously made by hand.
In "Saints and Sinners," this American experience is laboriously made to foreshadow his ultimate fate.