Hard to tell from so far away but they looked more like a labor battalion than armed men on the march.
It was not the plight of the labor battalions that concerned him.
When war broke out, he was conscripted into a labor battalion.
Over the course of ten months, 16 labour battalions worked to keep the road in good shape and order.
Others worked in labour battalions to rebuild infrastructure destroyed during the war.
Labeled with the inmate number 87112 he was assigned to work in the labor battalion distributing clothes.
Around 175,000 Chinese workers volunteered for labor battalions after being enticed with money, some even years before war was declared.
He had very soon realized the scope of the deforestation and the numbers employed in the forced labor battalions.
Krolli is with the labour battalion working on the new road.
See "labour battalion" for examples of the latter case.