"There's a couple more to come up ruptured spleen and a nasty lacerated face."
Jim asked, peering into the man's lacerated face and eyes for signs of concussion.
His lacerated face had made him the only one of the group who was not there through choice.
His uncle Abay, the one with the lacerated face, grinned horribly.
Vasil took in a deep breath, for courage, and pulled the blanket down and turned his lacerated face to the air.
The wizard sat up, blinking, already fumbling his spectacles onto his lacerated face.
Xabbu returned to examining her lacerated face.
The grotesque elastic mask covering her lacerated face was also a thing of the past now.
Torn clothes, lacerated faces, dusty shoes, exhausted looks, and, above all, the horse.
He boosted himself through, and the cold air slapped his lacerated face and neck like an open hand.