As he lay in the hospital early this morning, he heard a radio report that said he had suffered a lacerated liver.
The woman, Shauna Lawrence, 26, had a lacerated liver and other internal injuries.
One man suffered a punctured lung and lacerated liver.
She sustained a punctured colon and lacerated liver and died two days after the surgery.
Tim McCarthy, a Secret Service agent, was shot in the chest and suffered a lacerated liver.
He underwent surgery to repair a lacerated liver and other injuries, Mr. Ramsey said, but no attempt was made to remove the bullet.
He received a lacerated liver in the attack but has recovered completely from his wounds, according to the prosecutor, John Jordan.
He suffered a lacerated liver, heavy internal bleeding and other injuries.
An autopsy showed that she had internal bleeding and a lacerated liver.
He suffered a lacerated liver, a perforated lung and a bruised lung.