The 39th army lacked armor but was well manned by Soviet standards; its six infantry divisions averaged over 9,000 men each.
Generally the Klaatu ships were better armed and shielded, but lacked armor.
"Let's hope they realize we lack armor only because we have other defenses."
The pistol was useless against all enemies with the exception of soldiers and scientists lacking armor.
The newest Squire, though lacking magic armor, has the ability to interpret information by touch, as well as communicate in a number of ways.
The first, the British design, were armed like their heavier dreadnought cousins, but deliberately lacked armor to save weight in order to improve speed.
But it will ignore repeated complaints that the troops lack armor.
The Paighan would have lacked decent armor, making them very vulnerable in hand to hand combat.
It is one of the few naked dinoflagellates, or species lacking armor (cellulosic plates).
One Joe Blow was brown, the other yellow, and both carried clubs but lacked armor.