It was also concluded in their research that people who lack emotional expression are inclined to anti-social behaviors.
Rina impressed the judges again with her powerful and meaningful shot but lacked facial expression.
The face lacked expression, the body moved with a stately smoothness that seemed unreal.
Unlike what its title may suggest, works lacking direct sexual expression are also included.
The square, hard face in the bow window had always lacked expression.
It consists of general language that lacks expression of remorse for lives lost.
Pestilence lacked features and therefore expression, and Walker could not tell what it was seeing or thinking.
It's not just that their faces lack expression; both actresses seem to have lost interest in acting.
Her voice lacked expression; each word was flat and dull, like pebbles dropped, one by one, into a deep well.
So most introduced genes have lacked stable expression, the biological term for a gene producing its protein.