We wanted to question the way in which our lifestyle lacks love.
The marital relationship of Mr.Khanna and his wife is strained as he lacks love and respect for her.
You're ill, because you lack love.
Evidence in support of the benefits of love are seen in the negative affect states that result from lacking love.
Grover's Corners is, in retrospect, an unbearable place: quite content to be homogeneous, conformist, anti-intellectual and lacking "any culture or love of beauty."
According to Hershberger, strikes, boycotts, and demonstrations often lacked love for one's enemies.
They lack love and can never have enough money as a result.
A couple in which one or both partners lacks such love will initially live together after death and then separate and find new compatible partners.
Her New York therapist said it was because she lacked love in her real life.
A hopeful society gives special attention to children who lack direction and love.