In practice it seems to lack certain nutrients.
Soils are typically lacking important nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus.
When children are lacking essential nutrients, they can develop malnutrition, rickets, anemia and lack of menstruation in girls.
On a vegan diet it would be impossible to lack most nutrients, and the remaining ones could come from breakfast cereal.
They moved slowly, as if their joints were dry and lacking lubricating nutrients.
Like humans, plants fall victim to disease when they lack vital nutrients, Dr. Graham said.
People are not kept on this diet for long periods of time because the diet lacks certain nutrients the body needs.
Plants can't reach maximum yields if the soil lacks proper nutrients.
Serve as food for native species but lack certain essential nutrients, leading to death of native offspring.
It lacks nutrients and is saltier than the Atlantic, but it's still a biodiversity hotspot with many unique species.